Looking for inspiration in 2024? Check out these baseball sayings that show us how to live our best lives…

I spend a lot of time at the baseball diamond. With two sons who play in both Little League and club ball, this takes up a lot of time. And one of the things that I most enjoy is the baseball sayings.
You know what I mean. Those things that baseball parents and coaches call out in the middle of the game to focus and inspire their player to be their best. Some are encouraging and some are motivational. Others are not helpful at all, so I’ve left those off.
But it occurred to me some time ago that there are many baseball sayings that can be applied to real life. These are things that inspire us to live our best life, to let go of past troubles, and to look forward to a better place.
I compiled these baseball sayings here and I hope they inspire and encourage you in 2024…

10 Baseball Sayings to Apply to Real Life
“Good eye”
In baseball, this usually means when you’ve let a pitch go that you shouldn’t be swinging at anyway. Wouldn’t it be nice if people cheered us on for the junk food we skipped, the time-sucking project we said no to, and the times we made a good choice instead of chasing bad ones?
“Way to wear it”
This is called out somewhat ironically when a player is hit by a pitch. It’s to encourage the player to shake off the hurt and move forward onto their base where they have a chance to score. Life can hit us unexpectedly. We need some encouragement sometimes, too, to help us shake off the pain and move forward to better things.
“I like it”
This is usually called out to encourage a player when they made an attempt that was good, but unsuccessful. We take a lot of swings in life that don’t always connect. Not because we’re wrong, but because the timing isn’t right or the person. Know that you are still making the right moves even if the results are not what you want. Yet.

“Don’t step out”
Sometimes players step out of the batter’s box when the pitch gets too close. We all get scared from time to time. But we can’t succeed if we cower at the edge of life, fearing getting hit. We might get hit, we might not. But we certainly can’t take advantage of an opportunity if we’re afraid to put ourselves out there and get close enough to touch it.
“Go to work”
Let’s face it, life can be a grind. Sometimes we just need the reminder to go out there and get to work. Do our thing and hope that our perseverance, hard work, and dedication reward us in the end. It’s not always pretty, but it is necessary.
“That wasn’t yours”
How many times have we missed out on something and regretted the loss? But what if it wasn’t ours to begin with? What if you were never meant to get that job, that partner, that house, etc. because it was never meant for you? When something is missed, there is usually something better waiting in the wings. Just be ready for it.

“Best pitch right here”
In baseball, sometimes you need to pitch your best pitch to get out of a situation. Life can have lots of situations where we need to put out our best effort to get out and save ourselves – whether it be money, time, a relationship. Sometimes this means muscling out a fastball with all our strength; other times it requires the finesse of a curveball. Either way, it means being our best in the moment.
“Switch places”
In baseball, this is meant to encourage a player to hit a double and get where the base runner before them is standing, bringing in a run. Sometimes we need to do something great, not for our own glory but for the benefit of something bigger than us. Whether this means carrying another team member or family member across the plate, or aspiring to the place a mentor holds, switching places can be a powerful motivator that helps not just you, but others.
“Play catch”
This is usually said when a pitcher is feeling the stress and not throwing his best pitches. It’s a reminder to keep it simple and fun. Life can really get us down and we can have off days. When the struggle is real, it’s a good reminder to take things back to their simple roots and start fresh. Never let the stresses of the past hold you back from succeeding today.

“Keep your head in”
This means to focus on the game. When you get distracted by mistakes, the antics of the other team, or your own thoughts, it’s important to keep your head in so you can play your best game right then and there. If you’re feeling a little scatter-brained, a lot stressed, and just in need of a restart, remember to keep your head in and let the past stay in the past. All that matters is what you do now.
“That was yours”
Sometimes we let a pitch – or an opportunity, job, house, or relationship – slide by us when we should have taken a chance on it. This happens in baseball and it happens in life. What’s important is that even if a good one slips away, there will be another chance, just maybe a little different. Be ready, be focused, and be your best self to meet the next challenge that comes your way.
I love baseball and enjoyed compiling this encouraging list for you. But if you have any baseball – or sports – phrases that can be applied to real life, add them to the comments of tag me on social media. I’d love to hear what you think!
Looking for more encouragement for the new year? Check out these posts:
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