So many of us are feeling stressed these days, it’s no wonder we are looking for ways to relieve it. But before pouring that medicinal glass of wine or zoning out with a favorite show, here are 5 ways to naturally relieve stress by changing the way we deal with it.
I won’t tell you not to feel stressed. I’m pretty sure we are all dealing with varying levels of stress and worry at this point, so you’re not alone.
A little stress can do some good. It keeps us focused and alert. It helps us push a little harder when we need to. But it’s a short-term solution, like adrenaline. Because too much for too long can have negative consequences.
I know the stress is getting to me when I find myself going to bed early even when I’m not tired and waking up extra early even when I am. It’s when I’m hungry, but can’t look at food. Or would be happy to just mindlessly eat an entire big bag of M&Ms.
It’s when I find myself agitated all the time. Emotional and easily upset. When stress starts hijacking my basic systems, then I know that it’s getting to be too much.
So here are a few things that I do to relieve my stress and also to reframe the problem. Stress sometimes comes from a very legitimate source (like the spread of a virus worldwide), but sometimes it comes from something imagined or given too much importance in daily life.
I hope these techniques help you feel more relaxed and better able to handle those stressful moments before they get to be too much.

5 Ways to Relieve Stress Right Now
Box breathing
If you’re feeling stressed, emotional, and overwhelmed, now may not be the time to think about other ways to approach the problem of stress. These feelings just don’t put us in the right frame of mind to see things objectively and realistically.
So, before we can try to change the stress in our lives, we need to release some of the pressure.
Box breathing is a technique where you have four steps of breathing, like moving along the four sides of a box or square.
Inhale for 4 seconds (one side). Hold that breath for 4 seconds (one side). Exhale the breath for 4 seconds (one side). And be still for 4 seconds (one side). Repeat as many times as you need to.
This way of breathing calms us physically, and also gives us a small measure of control when we may be feeling out of control. What I love about box breathing is that it will relieve some of the stress I am feeling immediately and I can do it anywhere
Is this a real threat/fear or imagined?
You don’t have to be delusional to have fears and see threats where none actually exist. You just have to have an over-active sense of self-preservation and/or have had experiences that made you more wary than the average person.
But sometimes our instinct to stay safe or avoid hurt can ramp up and start seeing threats where none exist. So, take a moment to look at what is stressing you out and try to decide which one it is: real or imagined.
Are you worried you are going to get fired? Is that stress based on bad performance or reviews, or just a “feeling” you have? I’m not discounting our gut feelings or instincts. Sometimes the small pushes we feel are divine intervention. But sometimes, they’re just us seeing threats that aren’t really there.
When you are feeling stressed about a relationship or situation, stop and check in with yourself. Culling out the imagined problems and fears will relieve some of your stress and also help you better focus on what is a problem.

Stop using old solutions for new problems
We’re creatures of habit. We tend to gravitate to the things that are familiar and worked for us before. But when new problems come up, one of our sources of stress is when those old ways don’t work.
You can relieve stress in your life by stopping to look at the issues that are upsetting you and taking a fresh look at possible solutions.
I used to get so frustrated and stressed by my inability to concentrate when the kids were home. I’d try locked doors, quiet time, etc. But nothing seemed to work, especially for my younger ones who always had something they needed. Finally, I stopped trying to force my work in the afternoons, and started waking up early to do it.
It worked. Instead of my old solution of shoehorning things into the usual work hours, I made my own work hours. And this greatly relieved my work stress (and increased my productivity).
Scale down the stress
Sometimes the only way to relieve stress is to get rid of the things that are causing it. And while some things can’t be put aside as easily as others, there are definitely lots that can be.
I find that when I feel overwhelmed by the things that are on my to-do list, it helps to separate out what isn’t urgent or important, and either ditch them entirely (cleaning out my closet) or delegate them (cooking dinner).
For many parents who suddenly have kids home, that might mean temporarily nixing the idea of rigid schooling and instead setting their kids up with books, movies, and other fun things. And that’s ok.
Scaling down stress is a great relief because we often have things on our plates that aren’t as important as we think they are – at least not in the grand scheme of things.

Stay in the moment
A lot of us stress about things like what happened in the past and what might happen in the future. Two things that we really can’t change right now.
So, instead of thinking and worrying about them, stay in the moment. Focus on where you are and who you’re with. A lot of anxiety exists in our heads as the thoughts swirl around and around. So stay out of that space and spend your time in the present.
Enjoy the company of the people you’re with. Feel the sun on your face. Listen to your favorite music. You can relieve your stress by keeping away from stressful thoughts and focusing on the present moment, which you can influence.
I hope that these ideas will help you relieve some stress and look at things from a fresh perspective. We can’t always control the things that are going on in our world, but we can always change the way we deal with them.
What are some ways that you relieve stress? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments!
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