Not too many years ago, I would not even walk through the self-help section of a bookstore, let alone read or recommend a book I found there. I envisioned readers of these books to be self-absorbed, … [Read more...]
20 Small Things that Make a Big Difference in Your Marriage
A friend and I were talking recently about what are the most important things that make a marriage work. Obviously, the big ones were there — communication, respect, love, shared values, six-pack abs … [Read more...]
When NOT to Have an Argument
For those of us who do not like to argue, the answer to the question of when not to have an argument may seem to be ALWAYS. But I am actually a big believer in arguments. In the right time and place, … [Read more...]
Why the Small Things Matter in Marriage
Recently, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I noticed a predominant trend. There were a ton of postings about flowers, elaborate dinners out, and expensive gifts. I’m not sure if I have … [Read more...]
When He Wants it, But You’d Rather…not
It’s 10pm. The kids are finally asleep, hugged and watered and tucked in for the tenth time. The baby is asleep after a marathon nursing session. The house is mostly clean and you lay down in bed … [Read more...]
How to Love Your Marriage Right Where It’s At
Sometimes we look at our marriage and we don’t see what we expected to see. Time has taken some of the shine off our spouse.  The stresses of real life have taken their toll. The life … [Read more...]