Spring time is here again, and so is SPRING CLEANING! Here are 15 must-do spring cleaning tasks that you don't want to forget... I love spring time for lots of reasons. I … [Read more...]
10 Spring Cleaning Tips for Large Families
With spring just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about freshening up our homes and doing a little spring cleaning. Here are some great tips to help your family get the job … [Read more...]
How to Save Time While Keeping Your Home Clean and Calm
Looking for ways to keep your home clean and comfortable while also managing your time? Kris has compiled a great list - check it out! A recent study suggests that we now spend about 62% of … [Read more...]
How Tending Your Home Tends Your Soul
What if cleaning wasn't about being Pinterest-perfect, but about making your home a place that satisfied your soul? Let's look at cleaning not as another chore, but as a form of … [Read more...]
7 Ways to Make Chores Less of a Chore
Chores got you down? Kids and spouse not motivated to help? I know how you feel. But don't worry, I've got some ideas that might motivate your crew and get you going. Here are 7 ways to make chores … [Read more...]
How & When to Teach Your Kids to do Chores
With kids home now more than ever, it makes sense that they should help with some of the household chores. But when should they start and how do we teach them how to do their chores right? When … [Read more...]
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