“If I have denied justice to any of my servants, whether male or female, when they had a grievance against me, what will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when called to account? Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” (Job 31:13-15)
It’s easy to get an “us versus them” mentality. To see the differences instead of the similarities.
Society puts a lot of stock into dividing us. Haves and have-nots. Locals and foreigners. Citizens and refugees.
But all of these differences are superficial. They have to do with appearances, financial means, where we were born, and where we choose to go.
Despite what our divisive culture teaches, we are all alike. Deep in our hearts, we are one people.
We are children of God
We are equal to one another, with no one on top or bottom.
Created in His image and loved deeply, we will all be heirs to the throne when our time comes to join our Heavenly Father again.
So, why do we try to cheat each other? Try to get ahead at another’s expense? Why do we turn our backs on those in pain and need? Why do we continue to chase inequality instead equality?
Let’s treat each person as though we can see past the outer differences to our inner similarities. Don’t be drawn into what separates us, or turn away because someone is a stranger.
We are all brothers and sisters. Let’s not be stingy with our time, money, and things when our fellow children need them.
What we have on this earth is not as important as what we will inherit in the kingdom of God.
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