This is the first week of Advent. Join me as we celebrate the coming of Jesus with anticipation.

“In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious.” (Isaiah 11:10)
Advent is a time of preparation. We will be readying ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our hearts full of anticipation, hope, and joy.
This first week of Advent, I’d like to focus on that sense of anticipation. For many of us today, our countdown to Christmas is intertwined with other aspects of the season.
The lights, the gifts, the parties, and the meals.
Some of these things will draw us closer to God, put our hearts in a place for worship. But, others will draw our energy and spirit away.
This verse hearkens back to a time long before Jesus was born. It was a promise of the coming of Christ, a king among kings who would save the people and then return to his heavenly throne.
Though the birth and death of Jesus have come and gone centuries ago, it doesn’t mean that the anticipation has ebbed.
We may not be expecting a baby in the manger, but our hearts can still be full of hope.
Hope for the second coming of Christ. Hope for the saving grace of our God. And hope for the comforting touch of our Heavenly Father in our lives.
Let’s spend this week preparing our hearts, minds, and bodies for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Try not to be sidetracked by the social engagements and cultural beliefs of what this season is about. Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus, and let everything else fall away.
This week, we light a candle on our Advent wreaths for hope, for He is the hope we are waiting for.
Have a blessed Monday!
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The Best Christmas Traditions (according to our family)
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