“Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass.” (Joshua 21:45)
God keeps His promises. He is faithful and His word is true.
How nice is it to know that our God is always there and that He never disappoints? No matter how outlandish or impossible something may seem, God makes it happen.
Turning a shepherd boy into a king? Done. Converting a persecutor into an apostle? Done. A virgin birth for the Son of God? Done.
Nothing is too big for our God. So when He says He is going to do something in our lives, we can believe that it will happen.
God has given each of us a purpose in life. Maybe you’ve felt the whisperings of the Holy Spirit telling you what yours is, but you just can’t believe it. Maybe it seems too big for you, too hard, or just not possible.
But what God promises always comes to pass. So despite what we think is possible, we need to remember that our limitations are not God’s limitations. And our ways, our strengths, and our weaknesses are not His either.
His word is true and He keeps His promises. Now, forever, and always.
Our world is filled with broken promises and forgotten commitments, lives lived aimlessly and sinfully. But ours don’t have to be. If God is promising you something—a calling, a family, a job, a sense of peace—then it will be yours. Listen to His voice and follow His path.
With God on your side, those promises will not fail.
Have a blessed Monday!
Interested in other posts about God’s promises and faithfulness? Then check out these:
Such a beautiful post, full of truth.
Thank you for sharing it, I needed to read this tonight.
I am so glad to hear this! Bless you and thank you for reading.