Some days are just completely overwhelming. You wake up in the morning and it seems like the moment you put your feet on the floor, you are running. But it’s not a race you are trying to complete by bedtime. It’s an obstacle course.
Whether you are a stay-at-home mom like me or a working mom, it is really hard to avoid the hectic pace set by our jobs and families. Living as simply and intentionally as possible is a great antidote for the craziness of life, but even that does not completely inoculate you. I’ve tried being a mom who works inside and outside the home, and neither one is easy.
The one thing that has gotten me through the most stressful times in my life, at home or at work, is making lists. Okay, let’s be real, and prayer, but that’s a given. List-making has been my go-to when things get going ever since I was a kid. Here’s why.
It empties my overcrowded brain. When thoughts are flying everywhere and I can’t focus on any one thing, a list holds me to a specific topic, allowing me to slow my thinking down to a manageable rate.
It gives me a breather. When I’m considering banging my head on the nearest hard surface, I know I’m about to turn into that crazy mom. You know the one. She yells at anyone who has a heat signature and throws out threats that are unrealistic, unenforceable, and just plain weird. (“If this room isn’t clean in 5 minutes, you are eating PBJ for dinner for the rest of your life!”) It’s time for a time-out.
It taps into my creative side. When I’m stressed out, my creativity is back-burnered in favor of my “never give up, never surrender” survival mode. By making a list, I can use the part of my brain that is happier and looser, which probably lowers my blood pressure and keeps me from bursting a blood vessel.
We’re not just talking to-do lists here. To-do lists help when there’s a lot going on, but sometimes even the to-do list stresses me out. Making lists that aren’t about being my most productive self can be helpful for decompressing.
They give me a light to look for at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, my lists are pure fantasy. But, they are fun to make and let me think about things that are more relaxing than the lice we just discovered, or the car problem that just cropped up, or whatever situation is giving me new wrinkles (and not in my brain).
If you’re feeling a little mentally-fried trying to juggle all the balls in your life, it can be hard to come up with anything relaxing. And, if you’re like me, you have trouble relaxing even when you have the time. So, here is a list of 25 list topics that should center your brain, relax those tense muscles, and maybe even draw out a smile or two. This is just a starter list of lists (yes, I am having fun writing this), so feel free to add on what interests you…
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- Today’s to-do list (obvious first choice — we moms are busy ladies)
- 15 books you always wanted to read, but never have (my #1- War and Peace)
- If you were making a wish list for your perfect home, what are some things you definitely want? (Please, let there be recessed lighting!)
- If you had the day to yourself (no husband, no kids, no to-dos), how would you spend it? (hot coffee and a honest-to-God, ink-on-paper NY Times)
- Your bucket list (take a Mediterranean cruise)
- Your meal plan for next week (don’t dis practicality)
- Quick- 20 things in your house that you would throw out RIGHT NOW (it’s okay if 19 out of 20 are broken toys that your kids refuse to let go of….ditto!)
- 10 childhood books that you want to share with your children (anything Richard Scarry)
Favorite vacation spots (Kona Village, HI)
- Top 10 favorite movies of all time (Grosse Point Blank)
- Summer/Winter reading list (Vinegar Girl, etc.)
- 5-year goals (have more kids…lol, just kidding!)
- Weekly to-dos (practicality never hurt anyone)
- Things that you’re thankful for (loooong list)
- Workout plan (Here are a few ideas: abs, arms, legs, and butt)
- Favorite songs (I know I must have one, but…)
- Ways to simplify (stop saying “yes” to everyone, Superwoman!)
- Home projects (crotchet the baby’s blanket)
- Goals for the month (rework budget)
- Spring cleaning checklist (move before spring #problemsolved)
- Debt repayment plan (debts, minimum payments, payoff amounts, etc.)
- Christmas gift ideas (Thomas trains, Thomas minis, Thomas tracks…)
- Recipes/dishes you would like to try (very looooooooooong list)
- Relationship goals (weekly date nights)
- Things you would like to learn (another language, pick one)
I hope these ideas inspire you and give you a chance to relax for a minute. And, if nothing else, you’re ahead of the game in the Christmas gift ideas department!
What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments!
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