Rest can seem like a dirty word, especially when being busy is a status symbol. But living through rhythms and cycles is natural and there is rest within those rhythms. Are you allowing a cycle of rest in your life?

“But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.” (Leviticus 25:4)
I stumbled upon this verse at a time when I was extremely busy. And even as some part of me could see the significance of it, the rest of me was in go-go-go mode. Like most important things, it was sidelined for the urgent.
But recently I came across it again. And I felt as though God were gently leading me back to it. Reminding me and nudging me to see what he was showing me.
Initially, being a suburban mom, I didn’t see the direct connection of this command to allow fields to rest on the seventh year as a sabbath for the land to my life. I can’t even grow basil on my windowsill.
But the more I thought about it, and the more I considered seasons and rhythms in general, the more I felt that God was calling me to allow a cycle of rest in my own life.
Cycle of rest
Cycles have been a part of our lives from the very beginning. Not just the seasonal cycles of early farmers or the rhythms of the seasons for nomads. Even our very birth is a series of rhythms and cycles of contractions that bring us into the world.
As I grow older, I feel a pull toward these life rhythms. Bowing to the seasons instead of trying to push through them to accomplish whatever I have set myself to do.
I’m more interested in modeling my family’s schedule on the season of our days and ages and interests than just following what others are doing. Because their season or rhythm isn’t necessarily right for us right now.
A cycle of rest has also become a growing consideration. Taking an entire day each week to rest my body and mind. Taking a month off from work to do the same.
Rest isn’t laziness. It isn’t falling behind or giving up or being weak. It’s not any of the lies we busy people tell ourselves.
Rest is sharpening the tool. It’s running efficiently without waste. It’s recharging so we can bring our best to every task, every relationship, and every decision.
This verse is a reminder that God made us to experience a sabbath, a cycle of rest, so that we can better fulfill the purposes of our lives.
Rest is not the enemy. It’s God gift to us. Will you accept it?
Have a blessed day!
Looking for more encouragement and inspiration? Try these posts:
How to Take a Sabbath day… and Why
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