We all live by example, but is it the right example? Surrounded by so many worldly influences, we need to make sure we don’t mistakenly follow the wrong leader—or worship a worthless idol—and devalue ourselves…

“They rejected his decrees and the covenant he had made with their ancestors and the statutes he had warned them to keep. They followed worthless idols and themselves became worthless. They imitated the nations around them although the Lord had ordered them, ‘Do not do as they do.’” (2 Kings 17:15)
“If all your friends were jumping off a bridge, would you?”
Remember this nugget of parental wisdom? It was meant to guide us away from following the path of those who made wrong choices. At the time, it might have been peers who had started smoking or cutting class.
But as adults, we deal with even more dangerous possibilities. Turn on the TV and you see plenty of examples of adults behaving badly—and proud of it. In my city, every billboard encourages one bad behavior or another—gambling, drinking, extramarital lust.
Our parents were making a point that to jump off a bridge—to follow the wrong leader blindly—could lead to losing ourselves, or losing our lives.
Beware of Following the Wrong Leader

We all live by example. We emulate parents, teachers, and heroes. But we also emulate less worthy individuals—the reality star with the most followers, the rich sports star, and the friend who seems so cool even when we’re uncomfortable with some of their choices.
Even as adults, we are looking for an example. We may not be as impressionable as a middle school student, or as hungry for independence as a high schooler, but we are still looking to make our own path—even in the footprints of someone else.
Whose footprints we choose to follow is what matters. Are we choosing to follow a leader who impresses us with their worldliness, with their fame or wealth in this world? Or are we choosing a leader who guides us toward true wealth and freedom?
This scripture points out how God’s people worshipped worthless idols—and then became worthless.
We know that we hold a special value to the God who created us. To know that we can devalue ourselves by the people we follow and the things we do should make us all pause.
Because worshipping the wrong God and following the wrong leader doesn’t just make you lose you worthless. It can take away your life—your eternal life. Just as your parents warned.
Spend some time today thinking about what leaders you follow. Are they the right ones or the wrong ones? It’s easy to get confused when one ideal is held up by our society, and another one by God.
But remember, at the end of your life, the world buries you and says goodbye. God, on the other hand, is ready to welcome you into an eternity with Him.
Which leader do you want to follow?
Have a blessed Monday!
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