Get rich quick schemes are a dime a dozen in our world, but God calls us to be good stewards with our finances, both in how we spend our money and how we receive it…

“Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” (Proverbs 13:11)
I don’t know about you, but I am slightly alarmed by how many children answer the question of “What do you want to be when you grow up?” with YouTube influencer.
There’s nothing wrong with this job per se, but it seems that the allure of fame and lots of easy money for doing something that looks more like fun than work has got many with stars in their eyes. And according to cultural standards, who can blame them?
Gaining wealth is one of our driving forces. It motivates the jobs we take, the choices we make, and even the relationships we develop. Money is power for some, security for others.
But what happens when the drive for financial wealth leads us down some dark paths? Is it really our security, or our downfall?
Trusting God with our financial future
In my life, I have chased dollars to distraction, seeking a financial security that was as solid as fog on the moors. Because I have seen how quickly that money can disappear when things suddenly go sideways. A lost job, a bad medical diagnosis, addiction. There are many situations that can snatch financial security out of our hands.
This is because our security was never in our hands. God has always been the caretaker of our lives. Guiding and comforting us through disaster. Laying angels and blessings before us when we’ve lost hope. Giving us just what we need, when we need it.
Living paycheck to paycheck is anything but glamorous. Saving and tithing like clockwork is not sexy. But what it is, is being a good steward of the money that God has blessed us with. And with the amount He has blessed us with.
Our Heavenly Father loves and cares for us. Our mission here on earth is not to amass financial wealth at the cost of our souls. If we are blessed with wealth, then we are in a unique position to carry our God’s bidding on a grander scale. But for most of us, we are called to be good stewards of our money and to work for God’s glory in our own small circle of influence.
The siren’s call of wealth is hard to deny, but we must resist the urge to stray from our path in order to fulfill a desire for financial security that is not rooted in God. He will always provide for us. It may not be in the form of a million subscribers, but it will be just what we need, perfectly so.
Have a blessed Monday!
Looking for more encouragement and inspiration today? Try these posts:
Finding the Money: When Your Heart is Big, But Your Budget is Small
Inspirational Monday: Be Transformed, Not Conformed
How to Budget with an Inconsistent Income
Inspirational Monday: God is Working for Goodness in Your Life
Beautiful words. Thanks for sharing.
Excellent article. My husband and I too see our finances as blessings from God and that we are to be good stewards of his blessings. At one time we didn’t and although we made good money we ended up in extreme debt. Then we discovered Dave Ramsey and recommitted our lives to Jesus.
I love Dave Ramsey’s approach to breaking free of debt. I’m so glad to hear it helped both your finances and your faith. Thank you for your kind words!