“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” – Roald Dahl
The other day I was in a bit of a mood. I was irritated with something a family member had done, annoyed with myself for my reaction, and generally cranky the whole day.
At one point, I looked up into the bathroom mirror while washing my hands and took a good look at my face. What I saw made it obvious what kind of day I was having. What kind of day I was allowing myself to have.
My irritation and negative thoughts were painted across my face. You could see them in the lines of my forehead, the brackets around my pursed lips, and the squint of my eyes. I looked anything but lovely.
Good thoughts make us lovely
We are all lovely. In our own way, each of us has an innate beauty gifted by God. But our circumstances, feelings, and thoughts can either mask or enhance that beauty.
When your heart and mind are occupied by good thoughts, when you focus on the positive, your face shows it.
You’ve probably seen it many times before. The blushing bride thinking about her future. The pregnant woman who glows with life. The excited child on Christmas morning.
Their hearts are light with glorious things and every thought is painted on their faces. Maybe you’ve seen this in your own mirror. On occasion, I have, too.
But we often focus on the negative, the things that need fixing, and the problems that need solving. We are innately lovely, yet we hide it behind a moody mask.
As you start your week, take a moment to stop and look in the mirror. Does your face personify good thoughts? Can the world see your loveliness in your smile? If not, take a breath and ask God to lift your heart and thoughts.
The world needs your lovely smile as much as you need a joyful heart and mind.
Have a blessed Monday!

Looking for more encouragement and inspiration? Try these posts:
Why is Loving Ourselves so Hard?
God knew what He was doing when He told us to think about good and lovely things. This world is so full of problems and negativity that we really need to make an effort and think about the things that God wants us to think. I love you post!
He certainly did! Thanks so much for your comments, Carolina!
The first thing that comes to mind when I read this is “A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” Prov 17:22. It’s so true, isn’t it? Our thoughts can change how we appear. Have you ever first met someone and thought, “Wow, they are so pretty!” and then all they ever did was complain and when you look at them, they actually don’t look that pretty anymore…or sometimes I can meet someone and initially not think they’re that pretty but then I get to know them and their beautiful insides reflect on their outsides and I look at them and think how beautiful they are!
You’re so right, Melissa! I look at my own face sometimes and see the difference between the frown lines and smile lines. One is from good thoughts, the other bad, and they both affect how I look to the world. Thanks for reading and God bless!