There are definitely times and circumstances when our strength deserts us. Feeling weak and overwhelmed is a scary thing. But we don’t need to fear. Because in our weakness, we can clearly see His strength…

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;Â I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)
Overwhelmed and tapped out are feelings I’ve become accustomed to as a mom. Kids have endless needs (and a fair amount of wants) that vie for my attention each day.
There are no holidays or breaks, at least not without a generous visiting family member. And sick days usually include taking care of the sick while being sick. It’s a job that has little downtime, even sleep for the parents of babies.
It’s a humbling experience. We cannot parent based on our own strength or wisdom. Physically, we are drained. Mentally, we are bleary. And spiritually, we are hanging onto our faith that God will be with us through the difficulties.
Because boy, do we need Him!
It’s in this weakness, when our bodies and minds are at their lowest points, that God bolsters us up with His strength.
His strength carries us through
Parenthood is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But there are so many circumstances and relationships in our lives that can wear us down.
That show us our need for Jesus and His strength.
But we are stubborn people and we often try to do it all ourselves. We make lists, get advice from friends, and make plans. We try to lean on our own strength, and will keep doing it… until is sags beneath us.
Then, we finally stop looking to ourselves and start looking to Him.
God is always with us. He is always willing to help, guide, and strengthen us. If only we’d ask.
His hand is outstretched day in and day out, waiting for our stubborn, independent selves to tag Him into our lives, our relationships, and our decisions.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we stopped waiting until we were at our lowest to ask? Wouldn’t it be nice to place our load on His shoulders in the beginning?
Let His strength carry the weight of what troubles you today. In our weakness, His strength and love show perfectly.
Have a blessed Monday!
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