In the New Year, you have the opportunity to change the narrative of your past. Starting fresh this January, you can rewrite your story…

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;Â to be made new in the attitude of your minds;Â and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:22-24)
Most Januarys, you can find me working on my goals in my spanking new planner, coffee in one hand and black pen in the other. But this year, the coffee is decaf, the planner is just a steno pad, and my goals are a little different.
Last year was not a good year for me. I struggled. There were financial struggles. Relationship struggles. Faith struggles. I felt like I lost my way and myself. I worked too hard and spent too little time with the people and things that mattered.
And I didn’t accomplish any of my goals. In fact, I barely thought about my goals, such was the harried and stressful way the year went. So by the end of it, I was ready to make changes. I needed to make changes.
Discarding the old and taking up the new
We like New Year’s goals and resolutions because there’s something fresh about a new calendar year. We want that freshness to bleed over into our lives as we make changes and work to better ourselves.
If your last year wasn’t a good one, then this is your chance to change your journey. Detour from the path you are on, full of potholes and pitfalls, and turn onto a road that may be rough at times, but the destination is one you want to arrive at.
With God, we always have the opportunity to shed the old clothes we wore and the person we were. We can put on the new clothes of His grace and mercy, accepting His forgiveness and starting fresh.
This year, my goals are to turn toward God and focus on His will for my life rather than my own. I plan to start fresh, letting go of past mistakes that drag me down. The safest way to drive a car is by facing forward, not back. We can’t change the past, but we can learn from it. We can grow from it. And we can do better.
Happy New Year, everyone. May you shed the old and take up the new with God’s grace a balm to your soul and a lift to your step.
Have a blessed Monday!
Looking for more encouragement and inspiration? Try these posts:
Starting the Year with a New Spirit
Refresh and Renew by God’s Strength
Making New Beginnings Amidst Hurt
New Year’s Resolutions: How to Make ’em and Not Break ’em
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