We all have bosses in this life, and we don’t always like them. But how we serve them shouldn’t be a reflection of our relationship with them—it should be a reflection of our relationship with God.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)
Have you ever had a horrible boss? Like the kind depicted in movies? Self-centered, rude, demeaning, and generally unlikeable.
Back when I was in the working world, I didn’t have too many ogre bosses. Some were better than others, but there were a few that I breathed a sigh of relief to see go.
When this verse was written, Paul wasn’t just talking about bosses who demanded you pick up their dry cleaning or dismissed your ideas in meetings. He was talking about bosses who were a lot harsher, maybe even slave masters. Bosses who controlled your ability to survive.
Kind of puts our boss problems into perspective, doesn’t it?
But despite how hard or unlikeable some bosses may be, we are called to respect and work hard for them. Why? Are they good examples of Christian leadership? Maybe not. Is the work they’re assigning you part of God’s heavenly plan? Maybe it is.
Because God’s plans are unknown to us, it may be that our jobs here on earth, no matter how seemingly menial, are important, and therefore, so is our obedience.
Serving your heavenly boss
When you work hard in the position in life God has placed you, you are following His plan for you. And when you obey the authority He has placed over you, you are honoring Him.
We may not agree with our bosses or even want to be friends with them. But we do have to do our best and perform the duties we are called to do.
When you do your work, remind yourself that you are doing it for God. You are obeying the authority of your heavenly boss by working hard for your earthly boss.
So, when you are tempted to disobey, to gossip, and to get angry with your boss, remember that they are not your ultimate authority. And the reward for your work will not come in the form of promotions and raises. You reward is eternal life.
Have a blessed Monday!

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