In our noisy culture, it can be hard to pick out a distinct voice, no matter how hard we listen. But there is one voice that we should always listen for, one that is both clear and clarifying.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
I admit, despite filling my home with five rowdy children and a husband who likes to listen to loud music, I don’t like noise.
I’m a quiet, introspective type who regularly needs to escape from the chaos of my home and my world into silent or solo pursuits in order to recharge.
One of the ways that I do this is by waking up early. Really early. But despite the hated drone of my alarm, I appreciate the time I snatch in those pre-dawn hours to run, think, read, and pray.
If I didn’t take this time every day, there’s a very good chance that I would never have the chance to mull over an idea, to struggle with a problem, or to listen to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit within me.
I have never heard God’s voice as Moses and Abraham did in the Old Testament, but I have felt His guidance in subtle, yet insistent ways.
But I would never have realized it had I not been listening.
Cutting out the noise to listen
Isn’t that how it goes? How much do we miss because we aren’t listening, or can’t listen? Because our lives are so full, there’s no time to stop and cock our head for an answer that comes from a source we can’t see?
Our world is bursting with noise. The noise we hear, like the pinging of phone notifications. The noise we see, like our own messy desks. And the noise within us, like the doubts and fears that swirl like hungry gators waiting for a bite.
But that noise is distracting us from what we should be listening to. The voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. He calls to us, offering to lead us to safety. He provides a path through all the thorny issues and struggles of our daily lives, if only we would listen for his instruction.
He is the shepherd and we are the sheep. He will protect us and lead us. He will rescue us when we get lost. But how much easier if we stop listening to the noises around us and quit trying to make our own path.
How much easier if we listen to the voice we were made to recognize, and follow Him.
In this new year, I hope we will all stop for a time and silence the other noises and voices out there. And take that time to truly listen for His voice.
Then follow Him. He’s been calling to us all along.
Have a blessed Monday!
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