Do you ever get so caught up in the to-dos and should-dos that you forget to rest? All the rushing and striving we do is often because we forget that God is God. And when He’s at work, we should be still.

“He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” (Psalm 46:10)
“Jesus is coming, look busy.”
Have you ever seen this bumper sticker? I admit it makes me laugh, but it also makes me shift a little uncomfortably in my seat.
Am I doing this? Am I filling my hours, taking on projects, sacrificing sleep for production, all because I want to look busy to God? Worthy? Or am I trying to do His job for Him?
Who knew a bumper sticker could make me dig so deep into my faith?
I’d like to think I’m the only one out there putting effort into works, when I really need to be growing my faith, but I know I’m not. Our busy world is proof of this desire to take control and be the master of our own destiny.
But there can be only one master. Only one can control the outcomes of our lives, the paths that we will walk. And it’s not us.
We were made to rest in His power
God is the creator of each of us. He knows what’s going on in our lives and what will be going on 10 years from now.
How silly are we to think we can “look busy” and fool an omniscient God. How prideful to think we can take over for an omnipotent God.
We don’t need to strive and work to be worthy of God’s grace and mercy. And we don’t need to control everything in our lives because He is always in control.
He loves us and has great plans for each of us. Maybe not our plans, but even better ones. So we can rest.
Does that mean doing nothing, ever? Not at all. But we don’t need to prove ourselves. We don’t need to push beyond our endurance to control or prove anything.
Be still. Rest. Listen to what God is telling you. And walk in His ways rather than try to dig your own path.
Have a blessed Monday!
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