“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.” (Psalm 130:5)
Hope is the cornerstone of faith. We hope for things unseen, for answered prayers, and for an eternal life that is too wondrous for us to truly comprehend.
But hoping also means patience. Because if we always get what we want, the moment that we want it, we will never have a need for hope. And without the need for hope, there can be no faith.
David’s words in this psalm really pull at my heart because they remind me that patience is a necessary step in hope and faith. My prayers may not be answered today or tomorrow, or even next week or year. But does that mean that God is not listening or that I should stop praying?
Absolutely not.
If we believe that God is all-knowing, and that he has a plan for our lives, then we must also believe that things will happen when they are supposed to happen. According to His will, and not our own.
So, we must wait. Wait with our whole beings, in anticipation and hope, but wait nonetheless. We can search for encouragement and comfort in His word, the Bible, until the day when his answer comes.
If you are considering big changes in your life, or even small, or if you are asking for help in trying circumstances, pray and hope. And be patient. God hears you, and will answer in the right time.
Have a hope-filled Monday!
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