“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” (Luke 12:25)

Worry changes nothing
Let’s start with that. Worry changes nothing. It adds no hours to our life, gives no kindness to others, and leads our hearts farther and farther from God.
Over and over, scripture leads us toward God. It asks us to trust Him. It reminds us that true peace is only available through Him.
Yet we keep returning to the What-ifs and the Maybes…
So, how do we change our anxiety into acceptance? How do we channel our fear into faith?
We trust in truth. We trust the Word because it’s God-breathed, the promises of the Creator of all things. Is there anything impossible for God?
I know that when I trust God, I have no fear. It’s not ceding responsibility or pretending like everything is always going to be rosy. Life is hard and there will be pain and struggles. But fearing them will not stop them.
Any woman who has ever given birth will tell you that fighting the pain makes it worse. Letting it flow over you, accepting it, is the only way to get through it.
When we worry, we act as though we are the only thing standing between pain and us. That’s not true.
God stands between us and pain. He is the balm that soothes us, the peace that envelopes us. He is our hope.
Today, look through your Bible for scripture that reminds you that God can be trusted with your fears. Write it down, memorize it, and hold it close when anxiety tries to set up camp.
Worrying changes nothing. But trust changes everything.
Have a blessed Monday!
Looking for more inspiration and encouragement today? Try these posts:
Scripture Verses That Combat Anxiety
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