First things first… We don’t always know what to do, how to do it, or how it will all turn out. But if we seek God first, the rest will fall into place…

“But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (Luke 12:31)
Sometimes I have a severe case of analysis paralysis. It’s the bane of all overthinkers’ existences. We think, we plan, we hem, and we haw. And in the end, we just hope we made the right choice.
Life is full of choices, both small and large. Some, like a move or a job or a relationship, will affect us for months or years to come. Others only last for an hour or a day, like what we choose to wear or eat.
But what most of our decisions have in common is the urge to make them on our own.
We may ask for advice, but we don’t always take it. We may look at others to be an example, but we mostly go our own way.
And that’s when things can get a difficult.
We put our wants, our plans, and our expectations first. We research, make a plan, then execute it. And when things don’t turn out as we’d hoped, we’re frustrated and disappointed.
But when in that whole process did we stop to seek God?
Seek God first
Our first step should always be toward God. Looking to him. Seeking him. First.
Not because we’re hoping He will rubber stamp our plan. Or because we are just checking off a box on our Christian to-do list. But because when we go to God first, before we make any decisions, He guides us toward the right path.
Not the easy one. Or the one we may think we want. But the right one.
And when we seek God first, the things that we truly need and desire deep in our hearts will be given to us. Sometimes, this looks completely different from what we thought we wanted or needed in the first place.
That’s because when we look to God, He changes us, grows us. Our faith is not a static thing, so why should our heart and soul? When we seek God first, ahead of everything else, our faith is grown, and so is the rest of us.
God will do great things in our lives, if only we will seek Him first and give him the opportunity to guide us where we are meant to go.
Will you join me is seeking Him today? First, before all else?
Have a blessed Monday!
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This was right on time to confirm what as on my heart today! Great post. I will share in Pinterest. Keep shining for Abba’s glory. I am happy to find your post via Debs Fb.
Thank you so much, Susan! I’m glad that what I wrote spoke to your heart. It means a lot to me and I’m so glad you came across my blog! Have a blessed day!