One of the Fruits of the Spirit is Self-control. For many of us, this means discipline and training. But are we training for the right competition? Are we looking to glorify ourselves or God?

“Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” (1 Corinthians 9:25)
Are you an athlete? If so, you probably know a thing or two about training and self-control. Becoming good at anything, whether it’s sports, work skills, or breaking a bad habit, requires discipline and hard work.
This year was supposed to be an Olympics year. When it comes to training and self-control, you can’t get a better example than the young athletes each country puts forth at this event.
Unfortunately, it’s been rescheduled like so many other things because of the coronavirus. But I imagine that each person who had intended to compete did not just stop training and drop on the couch with a party size bag of Doritos.
That’s because setbacks stink, but they don’t mean training is over. It might just mean training harder and longer. To win a crown (or in the case of the Olympics, a medal), you have to practice great self-control and fortitude.
What about you? Where are you expending your energy? What competition are you working to win?
What crown do you want to wear?
Most of us, even the ones who won’t admit it, are pretty competitive. It may be as simple as having the best behaved children in Sunday School or the prettiest Christmas decorations during the holidays.
It might be beating out other coworkers for a promotion. Or winning Friday night board game night in your house. It might even be crushing your own to-do list or set of goals.
But do these competitions matter? Or rather, do they matter most?
We use a lot of self-control working towards things that, if we think about it, don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Fitting into smaller jeans. Making more money than others. Looking like a “good” Christian.
Most of the things we strive for and train for are really superficial. And that’s because they only affect this life we are living now. They don’t get us any closer to the crown of everlasting life.
Are you competing for the right things? Are your wins bringing you closer to God or closer to worldly ideals? Is your self-control being used to further your plans or God’s purpose?
I’m not saying you can’t go for a promotion or work on your golf swing. There’s nothing wrong with those things. But if you’re going to put your discipline and self-control to the test, shouldn’t it be with the goal of salvation and eternal life?
This week, I hope we all take a long look at where we’re spending our energy. And ask – is this glorifying me, or glorifying God?
Have a blessed Monday!
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