We tell children all the time that sharing is caring, but in actuality, sharing is both an act of caring for others and a blessing for us…

“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:13)
Recently, I was talking with a woman who works in a food pantry. She told me that she loves giving out food to those in need because sharing with others is what God wants. We are all His children.
I was humbled by her acceptance of others and it made me reflect on myself. How often am I helping God’s children? What have I done lately to show His love to my fellow man?
Sharing our gifts can sometimes be hard as it pushes against our human selfishness. Our fear of never having enough and wanting to rely on ourselves instead of God’s provision.
I read somewhere that if we hold onto something tightly we won’t lose it. But we also can’t receive any of God’s blessings in that closed fist.
We all need to loosen our grip on the monetary gifts God has given, on the time He has bestowed upon us, and on the skills and abilities we are blessed with. Sharing these things with others will bless their lives and ours, too.
The blessing of sharing
Like the lady at the food pantry, we too can feel lucky for the chance to bless others with something they need. Whether it’s food from our kitchens, a room in our homes, or a free service that will improve their day or even their lives. Sharing is not just about caring, it’s about blessing.
God calls us to show hospitality. That doesn’t mean being ready with some homemade cookies and fresh coffee in the living room (though it can). It means welcoming others into conversation when they are experiencing something hard. It’s offering to watch their children when they’re stuck at work. It’s sharing ourselves as the greatest resource we have. Our time, our hearts, and our love.
When we are sharing with God’s children, we are blessing the receiver, it’s true. But you can’t miss the blessing you yourself receive with every gift you give. God always has a way of bringing even more to you when you give to others. He multiplies our gifts, fills up our hearts, and gives us the energy needed to be His messenger of light.
The next time you have an opportunity to share something of yourself, open your fist and let it go. God has something so much better waiting for you.
Have a blessed Monday!
Looking for more encouragement and inspiration? Try these posts:
Sharing God’s Faithfulness with Others
Why Having a Generous Heart Matters
Finding the Money: When Your Heart is Big, But Your Budget is Small
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