“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14)
The idea of living in peace doesn’t sound so hard. After all, we don’t set out to create conflicts. We don’t start fights or attack anyone. We are generally easy to get along with. Right?
But are we really living in peace?
On the outside, it can look like we are. But if we delve deeper and look at not just our actions, but our thoughts and beliefs, they might tell a different story.
We may not say it out loud, but we have no problem slinging the snark within the walls of our own mind.
We may never raise a hand to a rude co-worker, but we might secretly smile when we see them stumble.
And we may not start conflicts at church, work, or within our circles of friends and family, but we are happy to discuss the latest gossip and conjecture, passing it on at our next lunch gathering or playdate.
Are you guilty of any of these things? I know I am. I like to think that I am a peaceful, kind person. But when I look at my heart, I see the many ways I am far from peaceful, and far from holy.
Striving to live in peace
So, how do we align our faith with our feelings and thoughts? How do we reach toward holiness and live in peace with those around us, even the ones who don’t make it very easy?
We start with prayer. Trying to change our hearts by will alone is like pushing a boulder up a hill. Slow, with tons of backsliding. Our very human natures weigh us down and push us back.
But when we reach out to God for help, and ask Him to change our hearts, that boulder shrinks to the size of a stone. There’s still backsliding, but we can return again and again to the One who is always seeking communion with us.
Temptation is strong, so we have to avoid places and people that push us farther from peace, rather than closer. TV shows and blogs that tear others down. Co-workers, friends, and family members that bring out the worst in us. Dwelling on memories that make us angry and bitter.
When we live in alignment with our values, and let God into the darker corners of our hearts, we change from the inside out. We can live in peace with others.
And living in peace is a part of our journey to holiness, and to the Lord.
Have a peaceful Monday!

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