Trials come in many forms, from outside conflicts to inner stresses. How much easier would they be if we had the support of friends and family? A community that stood behind us, cheering us on instead of cataloguing our stumbles…

“Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.” (Romans 14:13)
Moms are a very judgy group. I say this knowing full well that I’m included among them. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true that I can be as judgmental as the next person, often without even realizing it.
An observation that doesn’t need to be made, to point out another’s mistake. An unkind thought that slips through my mind before I even realize it.
I’m embarrassed by how much I judge when there are plenty of things about me that others can (and probably do) judge, too. Talk about glass houses.
We never know the struggles others are going through until they tell us. And if they choose to share those trials, then we should be supporting them, not making their life harder.
Instead of judging the mom always late at school pickup because she’s working overtime to make ends meet? Offer to drive her child home when you pick up your own.
If your husband is looking to kick a bad habit, like smoking, don’t ridicule him if he falls off the wagon. Help him plan out how to avoid doing it again.
If your best friend has gotten his heart broken again, don’t say I told you so. Listen well, hug him close, and pray for discernment in the future.
When your teenager voices doubts about their faith, don’t judge them. Guide them.
God calls us into community with Him and each other
God uses trials as a way to grow our faith. I know during one of the most hellish times in my life, my faith increased exponentially.
God didn’t leave me to face things alone. And neither did the people that love me. They were my community of cheerleaders, sympathetic ears, and practical advice-givers.
They weren’t judging my situation, only looking for ways to support me through it. That’s the community we all need.
This being January, many are setting goals and resolutions that are going to be a trial all their own. From breaking bad habits to starting good ones, we all need encouragement and a little grace.
Invite your brother for a walk to support his goal of a healthier lifestyle. Send a tasty sparkling water to the friend who’s giving up drinking. Learn how to say good morning in Mandarin to the teen who’s saving for a graduation trip to China.
You can choose to be a stumbling block, or you can choose to be a stepping stone. Which will you be today?
Have a blessed day!
How can you support, encourage, and motivate your brothers and sisters in Christ? How can you put aside the judgement for a chance to provide strength to someone going through tough trials?
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