True peace is hard to come by. It’s not just the picture of peace we imagine – beatific smiles and an unflappable attitude – but an inner spring of calm and assurance that can only come from a source beyond ourselves, always flowing.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)
This verse comes from one of the last conversations Jesus had with his disciples before He was arrested and crucified. And of, course, rose again.
I imagine the conversation like a parent with a terminal illness trying to prepare their children for what’s to come. Even if the children don’t quite grasp the enormity of it, the parent tries to impart as much knowledge as possible while they can.
Jesus always knew where His life on earth was leading. Even being fully human did not diminish his holiness. He taught these men so much, and He wanted to give them as much as He could.
His peace was one of those gifts. Not a worldly peace found from financial security, or a peace we feel when circumstances are right, but true peace from a fount that never dries.
True peace
People are heavily influenced by circumstances, so we often lose sight of this peace when our world is chaotic or just plain not the way we want it to be.
We find ourselves feeling the opposite of peace when our work situations change, our relationships unravel, or health scares dominate our days. We’re stressed, disturbed, angry, and sad. Often, we look for solace in human solutions and oblivions.
But instead of losing sight of Jesus’ peace, which resides within us all, why not reach for it in these times. It’s not a peace that shrinks from hardship or hurt. His peace is a balm to what pains us.
Jesus left many gifts for His people when He returned to heaven. This is one that has the power to change the way we see life, deal with difficulties, and worship Him.
When you have true peace in your heart, others will notice. They will see that there’s something different about you from the people around them, the ones who are still searching and chasing.
You may have your moments of searching and chasing, too, but once you choose Jesus’ true peace over a worldly counterfeit, you’ll always know where to turn.
Have a blessed Monday!
Looking for encouragement and inspiration? Try these posts:Â
Keeping Peace in Our Relationships
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