This is the second week of Advent – the week of PEACE. How have you seen God’s peace in your life this week?
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
We are now in the second week of Advent, which is the week of Peace. I really tried to drive this point home for my children yesterday, hoping it might decrease the amount of squabbles that break out on a daily basis.
But this verse isn’t talking about just the peace that ends world conflicts, or even the conflicts in our own homes (though as a mom, that would bring me much peace).
The word ‘peace’ in Hebrew is ‘shalom,’ which means completeness or well-being. The Prince of Peace was coming to complete us and make us well by saving us from our sins. Even as we celebrate the coming of Jesus’ birth, his death was always the point.
Peace through God
As much as we’d like to think otherwise or sugarcoat it, we are all people with sinful natures. Not one of us gets a pass on that. But what we do get is redemption. Last week, we talked about having hope because we have a God that keeps his promises. Well, here is that promise — the promise of peace.
Do you yearn for peace in your life? For calm, but also for freedom from the anxiety, guilt, fear, and shame that always seem to plague us? I know I do. The lightening of my heart when I’ve turned all my wrongs over to God cannot be described as anything other than peace. And even though it won’t be long before I’m saying a similar prayer, I keep on. Because He keeps listening and forgiving my imperfect self.
If your life seems anything but peaceful right now, don’t lose hope. This season is not just about decorations and parties. It’s about a baby who will one day make it possible for you to send up a prayer and find yourself the recipient of the amazing gift of peace from the Prince of Peace himself, the Everlasting Father and Mighty God.
I hope you have a peaceful Monday!
Looking for more posts on the Advent season? Check out the other weeks:
Advent Week 1: The Week of Hope
Advent Week 3: The Week of Joy
Advent Week 4: The Week of Love
This post was originally published in December 10, 2017, but it has been updated since then.
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