Living a full and vibrant life is a great thing, but if we really want to grow personally, then sometimes we need to slow down and allow time for reflection. Reflection and realization can only happen when we are still enough to notice.

“Have you noticed that unhurried time by yourself or with someone you really trust can be the best setting for your own personal growth?”
–Fred Rogers, TV host, author, and Presbyterian minister
Most children remember Mister Rogers. Generations were raised on his comfortable persona and kind words that came to us each time we tuned in to Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood on PBS.
As an adult and parent, I find myself gravitating back to his shows and books. His words held a simple wisdom that made it accessible to people of all ages.
Reading this quote, I found myself nodding. Because it makes so much sense.
When we’re busy, when we’re in a group, when we’re occupied, our thoughts are on the immediate situation. We’re focused on our task or on the people around us.
But when we slow down and dwell in a place where there’s no rush to get somewhere or do something, that’s when we can reflect and allow ourselves to wander down paths we normally have no time for.
These paths are usually the ones that bring greater understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Slow down, quiet down
Have you ever sat with a good friend, sipping coffee and talking sporadically. You’re so comfortable that you don’t need to make constant conversation, but are content to just be together in your own separate thoughts.
Reflection doesn’t have to be a solo event. Some of us prefer it that way, but others like to have a sounding board. Especially when we’re wrestling with difficult ideas or feelings.
And personal growth can be hard. It’s why we often put it to the side while we handle more immediate things. It’s not unimportant, but we need to slow down and take the time needed, the time deserved, for such an endeavor. With or without a trusted friend nearby.
Growth can mean many things, from intellectual growth to spiritual growth. But more than anything, I think personal growth is the act of stretching and growing within ourselves, expanding to fit the purpose we were made for.
Have you ever poured cake batter into a baking pan and watched it spread from the center to touch all the edges? That’s how I see personal growth. When we slow down, we allow ourselves the chance to spread to the outer reaches of our God-given purpose.
The first part of Psalm 37:7 says, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Slow down and let the Lord work in your heart and your mind. Reflect, pray, and meditate.Â
All of this will help you take the next step on your path, stretch just a little further, to grow into the person God made you to be.
Have a blessed Monday!
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