“I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.” (Isaiah 44:22)
Redeemed. Before I read this word in the Bible, my only context for it was a coupon.
For years, redeemed meant taking a coupon or certificate to a store to redeem it. In exchange, I might receive a free gift or something I really wanted, but had been out of stock for some time. That was how I thought of redemption.
The dictionary defines redemption as “the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.” Which makes perfect sense to me as I was offering up something in exchange for that thing that I really wanted.
Later on, as I read through the Bible, I realized that there was a far more important and glorious context for redemption.
Seeing how God redeemed us
This verse is such a beautiful illustration. If redemption is the clearing of a debt, then our sin is the cloud. With a gust of heavenly wind, God pushed those sins away from us, separating them from our lives. They’re like the morning mist, evaporating under God’s light.
Those sins that we fear bringing to God, the mistakes and addictions and un-Christian thoughts, they can be forgiven. We are God’s people, and while our sin separates us from Him, it does not separate us from His love.
He wants us to return to Him. He takes away our sin, redeeming us with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our debt has already been paid and He is just waiting for us to come back to Him.
What clouds hang over your head today? What can you bring to God for Him to shine His light on and blow away from your life?
As you go through your week, remember that God has already redeemed you. We are His people. There is nothing you need to do to earn it.
Just return to Him.
Have a blessed Monday!

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Nothing Can Separate Us from Perfect Love
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