Although it’s easy to get wrapped up in what seems important, there are certain things that we should pursue in life above all else. The things that look like success in this life are actually far from what will matter to our eternal lives…

“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.” (1 Timothy 6:11)
Wouldn’t it be nice sometimes to flee from it all? To take a hiatus from all that stresses us out, tempts us toward sin, and generally steals the peace we crave?
I always picture a mountain cabin. Solitary and quiet but for the sounds of nature around me. I’d be drinking coffee on my porch while the sun rises.
Inside, it would, of course, be fitted with all the modern conveniences because, well, I’m me and having no flushable toilet or memory foam would stress me out.
But there would be no social media or TV. No kids fighting and no work demands. No socks on the floor or people cutting me off on the freeway.
I think, I could be such a good person there…
After about 1.2 minutes, my little fantasy pops. I realize that no, I probably wouldn’t be a very good person.
Because living in a bubble isn’t quite what God intended as we pursue righteousness.
Why Strive for These Qualities?
This verse advises us to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Reaching for these qualities would no doubt lead us successfully down the path of life toward our eternal goal of our Father’s house.
But while the idea of fleeing to become more focused on the things that God wants us to pursue sounds great, it actually would keep us from reaching those goals.
If we lived without temptation, how could be practice and grow in righteousness?
Without family quarrels and work stresses, how could we act in godly ways?
If our faith was never tested, how could it increase?
Without the imperfect people we love, how can we truly experience the grace-filled love that God gives us?
If we were never weary, how could we endure?
And without the sharp edges of the real world, how could we cultivate a gentleness where we need it most?
Pursue in Life What Matters
In the bubble (or in my case, the mountain cabin), my growth and faith in God would be stunted. There would be no way for these qualities to be honed.
Instead of despising the struggles that make life hard, we should embrace them as opportunities to focus our hearts on becoming more Christ-like.
Instead of running headlong toward the things that others in this world prize, run in the other direction. Set your eyes on the characteristics and values that will lead you closer to God.
What the world loves is often not what God loves. And when the time comes to make a choice, make sure you are following the One that will give you life, not take it away.
Have a blessed Monday!

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