This month, I am focusing on one of the Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness. Have you rooted your life in goodness, or allowed those roots to grow in unsteady ground? What fruit are you bearing for the world?

“Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.” (Matthew 7:17)
My children are really into gardening. I mean, really into gardening. They watch YouTube videos about it, read books, nurture seedlings, and try their best to grow fruits and vegetables in the dry Vegas desert.
One thing they are quick to notice is when a plant isn’t looking good. It may start promising, but whether it’s something wrong with the soil, mold on the seed, or insect invasion, what could be a good plant turns bad.
Some seeds struggle through and grow despite the circumstances of heat and dryness (especially here), and the occasional caterpillar that comes their way. Others break down and become twisted. Holes, decay, and brittleness take the place of bright green leaves and strong roots.
This verse in Matthew reminds me of those seeds. Seeds, like people, start out good. Strong and pure and full of potential. (Not perfect, mind you, but created for good)
But how often are our pieces, our roots, twisted and gnarled by the world around us?
Rooted in goodness
Roots are important. They transport nutrients for growth and provide foundation against the elements. Strong roots lead to strong plants. And strong plants produce good fruit.
When we’re rooted in the Holy Spirit, taking in the nutrients found in God’s Word and strengthened by His love, we grow and produce good fruit. Our words and our actions are like ripe and sweet fruit waiting to feed a world hungry for the Truth.
But when we allow our roots to be damaged by circumstances (pain, hate, and anger) or by “pests” (negativity and temptation), we become weak and malnourished. Our fruit becomes lackluster and tasteless. Maybe even rotten.
When we are rooted in good things, we produce more good things. Making God our foundation helps us withstand whatever life throws at us. And nourishing our souls with His Word helps us stay strong so we can offer nourishment to those around us.
May you be rooted in all things good today, my friend.
Have a blessed Monday!
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