“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24)
It’s Monday morning and my children are about to embark on their first day in a new school, in a new city, in a new state. Today, I am more aware than ever of the power of my words. Their ability to encourage, calm, and reassure. And their power to frazzle, cause anxiety, and steal peace.
Will I remember to use that power to build up and strengthen my children, or release my own internal struggles in a way that causes emotions to run high?
When I’m feeling stressed out, my default is to let my tongue run away from me. And my words aren’t always gracious. This is something that I have struggled with since I first learned to string a sentence together. Some days I win the struggle, other days I lose.
How about you? Do you find it difficult to speak graciously at all times, in all circumstances?
Kind words truly are a blessing that each and every one of us can bestow upon another person, free of charge and using little effort. A compliment. A word of comfort. Words of reconciliation. These can all lighten the load of the listener, and bring light into our own hearts at the same time.
This verse mentions a healing of the bones, and I really believe that our words heal. And hurt. How will you use your words today?
As for me, I will use them to lift up my sweet, but nervous, children as they take this brave step into the unknown. And I pray that the Lord guides my words and their steps on this Monday morning.
Have a blessed Monday!
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