“With all humility and gentleness, with patient bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:2-3)
The world tells us to be assertive and strong. It tells us to tout our accomplishments. It tells us to prune off the people in our life that hold us back from greatness. We have Facebook and Pinterest and selfies to show the world that we are beautiful, popular, and keep a perfect home. We argue with friends and hold firm to our opinions as a matter of pride. We break relationships because they aren’t perfect. We scorn and judge.
So often I’m confused by the conflicting messages that are broadcast by our world and God’s word. Verses like this remind me what I should truly be striving for. Humility. Gentleness. Patience. Love. Peace.
Rather than retaliating against those that wrong you, reconcile with them. Seek peace. Instead of tooting your own horn, let others discover who you are through your attitude and actions. Be patient, with your friends, your husband, your kids, and the strangers you cross paths with each day. Instead of demanding that you are right and facing off with your spouse, consider their side without pride and yield if need be. Promote peace in your everyday life.
Instead of using social media to glorify yourself and impress others, use it as a tool to uplift those you care about. Show patience to difficult coworkers and love to misbehaving children.
Do you find yourself torn between how the world tells you to act and how the Bible does? Listen to your heart. Allow God to guide you through the tough situations and interactions that leave you struggling to respond in a way that feels right. Remember that the world is a chaotic place filled with sin. Allow the pure light of the Lord to lead you down the right path. And you will experience joy and peace as a result.
Have a blessed Monday!
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