This year, I am focusing on the word SAVOR. I plan to savor my family, my faith, my health, and my hobbies/passions. Join me each week as I share the why, how, struggles, and solutions of my goals—and how you, too, can savor your year.

“So, what do you do for fun? Any hobbies?”
These questions were posed to me by another mother while at a birthday party. A surprise rain had driven our group of a dozen first graders and their parents into the hostess’ house, the planned pool party no longer possible.
I smiled and opened my mouth to answer. Only I didn’t.
For a few frantic moments, I searched my blank mind for something I did for fun. Not to say that I did not have fun, but was there an activity I did specifically because I liked it? In this season of my life? Did I still have hobbies?
I think I mumbled something about reading, which was both a cop-out and not really true since I hadn’t had much time to read lately. I was embarrassed and felt the awkwardness in the conversation that my non-answer had created.
Making eye contact with another mom a few seats away, she shrugged and said, “I like to clean the house when the kids are asleep. I don’t have time for anything else.”

This conversation made me realize a few things.
- I’m not the only parent who has sacrificed their inner self on the altar of marriage and motherhood.
- If I didn’t want to lose the person I was (not the mother, wife, worker, etc., but me), then I would have to nurture the unique passions and hobbies that I loved
Fast forward about three years. In some ways, I have developed the things I love outside of my family. But in others, I still struggle with making time for those hobbies, and truly savoring them.
With five children now, I see the need even more acutely for time alone, time carefully parsed out to the special, wonderful things I love. Savoring my passions in life is even more important now than it was then.
Why You Should Savor Your Hobbies and Passions
We are all uniquely and wonderfully made. Each of us individual, with our own talents and interests and strengths. Savoring our hobbies and passions allows us to first see what those interests are, and then use them for the benefit of all.
Walt Disney loved drawing. Debbi Fields loved baking cookies. And Bill Gates was passionate about computers.
There are examples everywhere of people who pursued what they loved and created something amazing.

But more important than becoming rich and famous, these people took a hobby or passion and turned it into a life’s work. Their love became the backbone of their life. Wouldn’t you like to do that?
I know that my love of reading or the enjoyment I get from crocheting is not going to land me anywhere big, but that’s okay. That’s not for me. But maybe your passion will.
What are you passionate about? What have you set aside because time, money, or “real life” kept you from it? Maybe this is the year you dust it off and remember why you loved it.
How You Can Savor Your Hobbies and Passions
There are so many options if you want to pick up something new. And if you want to return to a hobby or passion you previously delighted in, then there are tons of ways to do it.
Here are some things that I will be savoring this year:

Writing this blog is something I do regularly, and I love it. But I want to dedicate time to writing a book this year. I’ve heard that you can write one in a month, but that’s not what I want to do.
I want to savor the process. Immerse myself in the story, the characters, and the ideas that bump around in my brain year after year, just waiting for me to give them life on a page. I plan to set aside a writing time a few days a week to spend exclusively on my book.
Even if it is never published, the joy I take in writing it will be worth it. Do you have a story inside that wants to get out?
I love reading, but it’s the first thing to get put aside when life is busy. I plan to savor my reading life by joining a book club (I just started the Modern Mrs. Darcy’s Book Club), broadening my reading list, and tracking my books.
I will also be writing about what I am reading on this blog, both for accountability and because I want to share my love of books with you—and maybe even encourage you to grab something new.
Do you love books, but haven’t found the time to read them? This could be the year you set a reading goal and work your way through it.

Crocheting and sewing
While not gifted in these departments, I find the peace and quiet in my mind as I do them worth savoring. I hope to complete the “baby” blankets (twin bed-sized in actuality) for my two youngest and a throw for our couch this year.
I have also offered to create Bible covers for my oldest children, who received their own personal Bibles in the last few years.
Working with your hands is a balm to the soul, and the cheapest therapy out there. What could you build/create/fix this year?
Play an instrument
As I started homeschooling my children last fall, I realized that I wanted them to learn an instrument. This led to my dusting off a never-used guitar and violin I had received as a gift, but only played a handful of times.
I played violin throughout school, stopping in college with a sense of relief to be done with it. As an adult, I regret that now. I’d like to savor making music this time around, instead of dreading it with the skewed priorities of a teenager.
Have you ever wanted to play an instrument or pursue a musical passion?
Learn a language

I devoted my college years to studying Mandarin, reading Chinese poetry, and analyzing the country’s history. I spent a year living in Beijing. But now, I can barely converse with a child in Chinese.
This passion of mine has been with me for decades, and I hope that this year I can make progress toward fluency. Language is like music, and I believe that I still have the song in my heart that played all those years ago. I want to savor every note this year.
Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Do you yearn to speak with family, friends, a loved one in their native tongue? There are wonderful options to help: apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Busuu, as well as programs like Rosetta Stone.
Struggles and Obstacles to Savoring your Hobbies and Passions
There are a number of reasons that our hobbies are pushed to the wayside. The most obvious struggles and obstacles to savoring our passions are:
There is only so much time in a day, and sometimes we need to make room for what matters. If you want to revive a hobby that was lost, then you will probably have to let something else go. Cutting down on TV, social media, and other passive pursuits may give you that time.
If your hobby is an expensive one or one requiring certain equipment or training (such as new golf clubs or flying lessons), then you may need to find room in your budget for it. See what can be cut, minimized, or exchanged for a cheaper option. Can you earn a little more from a side hustle, or get a discount?
Check with your spouse to make sure they are on board before making any big decisions. Plus, they may have a few ideas you haven’t thought of—or want to join you!

Sometimes, the TV beckons. Sometimes our goals require work, and some days we are not willing to do it.
Keeping sight of the why of your goal, taking pleasure in the small wonders of what you make/learn/accomplish will keep your motivation going.
When obstacles stand in your way, you need to find a way around them. Be bold in your goals and be just as bold sticking to them.
Say no to commitments that threaten your time. Save money that might get spent on the frivolous for the things that really matter to you. Push past the resistance that says, “Not today,” and do what will make you happy—maybe not in that moment, but after.
And give yourself grace. If you can’t start something until March because of time or money constraints, then let it wait. Plan, imagine, and anticipate. Fill your mind with thoughts of why you’re pursuing this passion or want to savor this particular hobby.
Final Thoughts…
Savoring your hobbies and passions is the perfect way to celebrate your unique and lovely self. You were made like no one else, with special talents to go along with it.
Pouring these talents out, exploring what might interest you, and cultivating these personal passions will enrich your life and those around you. Savoring these things will glorify your Maker and bring peace to your creative soul.
What hobbies and passions do you plan to savor this year? What are your biggest obstacles and possible solutions? I’d love to hear in the comments.
Interested in other posts about pursuing hobbies, passions, and goals? Then take a look at these:
Why You Should Embrace Your Uniqueness
Choosing One Word This Year: Depth over Breadth
New Year’s Resolutions: How to Make ’em and Not Break ’em
It’s so fun to finally find what sparks our creativity! I am also new in my creative journey. But it really does give a glow to life I didn’t have before.
I’m so happy to hear you are also on a creative journey! And it really does light up our life. There is beauty all around us, but also in us, just waiting to be expressed. Enjoy!