When we do something wrong and disappoint someone important to us, we can worry that they will love us less. But with God, no matter what we do, His perfect love will never leave us.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)
Insecurity is a fact of life. When we place our affection and love on imperfect people, even when they love us back, we can get hurt.
Shame, disappointment, and apathy can worm their way into many of our relationships. And the hardships that come with this broken world only make it worse.
With this reality, we can feel a lack of security in our relationships with others. Break-ups and divorce are commonplace. Friendships end over misunderstandings and mistakes. Forgiveness isn’t as popular as revenge. Our love is far from perfect.
All of this can hurt our hearts and make us fearful to offer our deeper, inner selves to others. We may even pull back from God, afraid that once He sees the shameful, sinful way that we live, He will pull back from us. Better that we do it first.
Except that God’s love is Perfect Love
It’s easy to forget that God’s love is perfect, unlike the love we give and receive from others. We know that if our friends, spouse, or co-workers knew all the ugly parts within us, they would turn away or at least be disappointed in us.
But God, who sees it all, never turns away.
Even when we sin and God metes out judgement, His love never leaves us. In fact, His mercy and grace save us from the true judgement we deserve for our sins—in the form of Jesus on the cross.
Our true and imperfect selves don’t repel God. Just the opposite. He yearns to be invited into our lives, to heal our wounds, and guide us away from sin.
Don’t let shame and fear stand between you and a relationship with God. His perfect love is unshakable, unbreakable, and unending. Nothing can separate us from Him. Nothing.
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