This month, I am reading through the book of Proverbs, studying one chapter a day. Each week, I will share a verse that stuck with me. Join me as I study the wisdom that God gave Solomon, and apply it to life today. Click here to get your printable Proverbs Study Calendar.

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’” (Proverbs 31:28-29)
I’m pretty sure on the list of attributes a woman wants the man she loves to use to describe her, “noble” is pretty far down on it. “Beautiful,” “smart,” and “funny” are probably pretty high up there, but nobility just doesn’t make our 21st-century hearts flutter.
Although, actually? It does.
I like this verse because I would love to be described as noble. Beauty, brains, and humor are all things that you can be born with to some extent. But a noble character is something that is cultivated and worked towards. It’s a decision each day, not a foregone conclusion.
In these verses, this compliment is paid by her husband. Her children call her blessed. What makes this most impressive is that it is the individuals closest to her that say these things.
It’s easy to appear noble to outsiders. Easy to show them our best side and our best efforts. But our spouses and kids see us from all sides. They see us on the bad days, the cranky days, and the someone-ate-my-last-piece-of-chocolate days. To be called noble and blessed even after seeing that is a high compliment.
Are you a woman of noble character?
Proverbs 31 is famous for these verses that describe the noble woman. The hard-working planner who is wise, strong, and dignified. She handles marriage, parenting, money, and her home with aplomb.
She is basically who we all want to be when we grow up.
But before we make ourselves crazy trying to reach this ideal, we should pay attention to the end of the chapter. In verse 30, it says:
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Fearing the Lord. Not “good with money” or “wakes up early to work” or “makes the best meatloaf ever.” She fears the Lord, and because she does, she is to be praised.
So, as we strive for nobility, let’s not get bogged down trying to emulate the Proverbs 31 wife. Instead, let’s put our trust and hope in God. Making Him the center of our decisions each day will lead us down the road of noble character, one step at a time.
Have a blessed Monday!

Looking for more encouragement and inspiration today? Try these:
Proverbs Study: Living in God’s Wisdom
Good Thoughts. The fear of the Lord IS the beginning of wisdom. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for reading! God bless!