Along with summer barbecues and hotter temperatures comes cheeseburgers on the grill and ice cream cones. Staying in shape and eating healthy can be a struggle and our summer shorts and bathing suits make us feel on display. But toning up and looking our best doesn’t have to be time-consuming or overwhelming. Done right, it can be fun and effective. This four-week series will give you tips on how best to stay in shape, feel your best, and create a workout that works for you. PLUS, you can grab my FREE weekly printable for a sample workout targeting common problem areas. (And, just in case you didn’t know, I’m not a doctor so you may want to check with yours before undertaking any strenuous exercise. Just a thought.) Catch up with Week 1 and Week 2, and then let’s get started…
So it’s Week three and you are probably feeling pretty good. You have started honing your routine and have set some goals. You might have even seen some results already.
But this may be the week when your motivation deserts you. It could be you were up too late catching up on your favorite show. Or maybe the baby has decided that night weaning just isn’t for her. Or you’ve caught a cold, the dishes are overflowing the sink, and there’s been a zombie apocalypse — all of which adds up to a bad time for a workout.
There comes a point when your workout routine will be so ingrained in your schedule that you’ll miss it like anything else that you do regularly. Have you ever forgotten to brush your teeth in the morning (no, of course not, um, me neither. But, hypothetically speaking…) and spent the rest of the day feeling vaguely discomfited, even a little bit guilty? That’s how I feel when I skip a planned workout. Especially when it’s just because I’m feeling lazy.
So how do we keep motivated once the shine has worn off?
- Push through. It sounds deceptively simple, but we all know it’s not. But if you allow yourself to fall off the wagon, it’s really hard to get back on, even more so with each passing day. Take it from someone who once took a week off for the December holidays and somehow didn’t get back into my routine until Easter. That’s a lot of excuses I made to myself. So don’t get caught up in that cycle. Stick with it, no matter how many zombies are at your door!
Mix it up. Boredom and the predictability of your routine can kill your motivation. So make some changes and make it fresh again. Swap out some exercises, change the days you target certain areas, or create a new playlist for your run.
- Change the scenery. Leave the indoor track behind and take your run around the park or through a new neighborhood. Take a class instead of working out to a DVD in your living room. Give yourself something new to look at so you work outs feel new again.
- Get an accountability partner. Sometimes the only thing that can get you going is the evil stare of the good friend standing on your doorstep wearing gym clothes and missing her morning coffee. Having a gym buddy, a spouse, or even an app that holds you accountable for your workouts can keep you on pace even when you aren’t feeling motivated to do it yourself.
Keeping yourself motivated to stay the course will give you the best chance to reap the rewards of a steady exercise regimen. Good luck and keep on keeping on! Here’s a FREE PRINTABLE if you’re looking for a great leg routine.
How do you stay motivated to stick to your workout? Let me know in the comments!
Next week: How to evaluate results, plus a FREE printable to help you strengthen and tone your arms!
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