Holiday gift-giving giving you stress? This 2018 Holiday Buying Guide will hopefully ease some of your shopping woes and make the season merrier for all. The holidays can be stressful for anyone, and … [Read more...]
Second Week of Advent – A Time of Light
This is the second week of Advent. Join me as we celebrate the coming of Jesus with light. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a … [Read more...]
My December Reading List Picks
Is there anything better on a cold winter night than sitting in your favorite chair, hot drink in hand, maybe the glow of the Christmas tree illuminating the room, and opening up a great book? Summer … [Read more...]
First Week of Advent – A Time of Anticipation
This is the first week of Advent. Join me as we celebrate the coming of Jesus with anticipation. “In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to … [Read more...]
How to Manage Holiday Stress & Spend Less
Managing your expenses and saving money are important parts of reducing holiday stress. Here are some tips to help you spend less and enjoy the season... Holiday time is devoted to fun, family, … [Read more...]
How to Keep Post-Holiday Clutter from Taking Over Your Home
The holidays are a joyous and bright time, but they can also be a time of lots and lots of stuff... so here's how you can keep the post-holiday clutter from taking over your home. As much as I … [Read more...]