We tend to remember the things that are important... so why are we so often forgetting God? How do we place Him at the center of our lives instead of on the edges? "Can a young woman forget her … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Sharing God’s Faithfulness with Others
One of the Fruits of the Spirit is Faithfulness, both ours and God's. But are you sharing this faithfulness with others or hoarding it close to your heart? "I do not hide your righteousness in … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Have Faith in the Impossible
Keeping our faith is hard when the situation seems impossible. But God is not hampered by what's possible to us, so have faith that he can take the impossible and turn it on its head. "And by … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Faithfulness is Rewarded
We are all given gifts in life, but are we investing them faithfully or relying on our own wisdom? This month we'll be exploring Faithfulness, and how God rewards those who trust in Him. “His … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Faithfulness in Adversity
Faithfulness is one of the Fruits of the Spirit, and one we are called to exhibit at the best and worst of times. How are you faithful when good things happen? And how are you faithful when faced with … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: We Can Have Faith in His Forgiveness
As we focus on Faithfulness this month, one of the Fruits of the Spirit, it's easy to see the difference between the impermanence of this world and the unchanging nature of God. He, above all else, is … [Read more...]