Motherhood has never been easy, and we all need coping strategies to help us avoid being overwhelmed, anxious, and fatigued. Here are some ways you can take care of yourself so you can take care of … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Finding Peace Amidst Confusion
If you prefer things to be clear cut and simple, it can be really frustrating to encounter disorder, confusion, and ambiguity in life. But those mixed messages aren't coming from God... “For God … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: The Parting Gift of Peace
True peace is hard to come by. It's not just the picture of peace we imagine - beatific smiles and an unflappable attitude - but an inner spring of calm and assurance that can only come from a source … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: How to Know if You’re a Peacemaker
Do you consider yourself a peacemaker in your relationships? Or a peace-stealer? For the month of April, I'll be focusing on one of the Fruits of the Spirit: Peace. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Holding on to Peace in Conflict
This month, I'm focusing on one of the Fruits of the Spirit: Peace. Conflict is hard to avoid. So how do we hold on to our peace even when things are upsetting and chaotic? "Peace is not the … [Read more...]
Inspirational Monday: Keeping Peace in Our Relationships
For the month of April, I'll be focusing on one of the Fruits of the Spirit: Peace. Is it possible to be at peace with everyone? What about those who hurt us... them, too? "Do not repay anyone evil … [Read more...]