“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Psalm 16:11)
I’ve been known to get lost. In my own town. In my own neighborhood. On foot.
Navigation is not my strong suit. When they started putting GPS in cars and on phones, I figured it was a gift from God.
But helping us find our way from Point A to Point B in our day is not the only gift that God has given us. He has also blessed us by offering the path of life.
Paths are wonderful things, especially for the unsure. They are clearly defined and distinctive, like a dirt rut carved out between the trees and overgrowth in a forest.
The path of life is a winding road that leads us through the struggles and challenges we experience. It takes us around blind corners where we aren’t sure what to expect. Where we have to trust the path when we can’t trust our eyes or knowledge.
The path of life not only leads us through our life, but also to life. Eternal life. At the end of our path, and our life, we will find ourselves before our Heavenly Father.
How do you follow the path of life?
Following this path takes trust because there will be many times when we aren’t sure where it’s leading. We may wonder if it’s going in the right direction.
The best way to trust the path of life is to read the map, which God also gifted us. The Bible is full of guidance, and examples of wise men and women who came before us and who followed God’s path.
Ruth left her home and followed her mother-in-law, resulting in her place in the lineage of David and Jesus. Moses followed God and led the people to the Promised Land. And Jesus himself followed the path that God set for him, leading to our salvation.
The next time you question the direction your life is taking, ask God to show you the path of your life, and how He wants you to proceed. Trust in His care and love for you, and you will never again be lost.
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