What makes you special? And how do you use those talents to fulfill God’s purpose for you?

“Your talent is God’s gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God.” – Leo Buscaglia, author and speaker
We’re all blessed with something special, something that sets us apart. It doesn’t have to be anything flashy like a 100-mile-per-hour fastball. It might not even be something people notice right away, like being a whiz with numbers.
But each of us has been given a talent from God to use on this earth. It can be used to help us have a better life, but it can also be used to better the lives of others.
I don’t have any flashy or exciting talents, at least if I compare them to what is praised today. But I write well enough, have the ability to make long-term plans and goals, and have a very empathetic personality. Like I said, nothing exciting… except that it is.
How do our talents fit into God’s purpose for us?
At this point in my life, I can see how these qualities are a part of God’s plan for me. He gave me a husband and a home, and he gave me five children. All of the talents He blessed me with work to His purpose—for me to be a wife, mother, homeschooler, and writer.
My ability to empathize, even when I’m upset or hurt, means that I can nurture the hearts of those around me, teaching empathy to my own children as they grow.
Planning means that I can budget our money so that we can sponsor a child overseas. It means that I can plan our days, so we can make time for the important activities that glorify God and grow our faith. It also means I can make lesson plans and homeschool our three oldest children.
I write this blog because I felt God called me to, so my writing is a way for me to praise Him and be a witness to others, spreading His love and grace.
We all have talents and gifts that are special. This quote reminds me that those talents are not just for us, but for God. No one wants to see us use our talents more than God, our Creator. He gave them to us for a reason, with a plan.
Are you using your talents for God’s purpose? If not, how can you?
Have a blessed Monday!
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