What did I read this week? Dare to Lead by Brené Brown.
It might seem like a weird choice for a stay-at-home mom, but Dare to Lead is actually very pertinent to my life right now.
Chock full of strategies, anecdotes, and research, this book covers a lot of ground. Honestly, it covers so much ground that I don’t know where to start.
Brown is famous for her work in vulnerability and courage. She knows how to boil a problem down is a way that makes sense, that you can see in your own life, and then breaks down how we try to solve it—then how we should solve it.
While this book is aimed at today’s leaders, and tomorrow’s, too, there are a lot of applicable scenarios and advice that can be used in everyday life. With friends, spouses, kids, and co-workers.
Being a leader is about relationships and people, and isn’t that what our lives are about, too? No Fortune 500 company needed.
My honest opinion of Dare to Lead…
After reading this book, I thought I should read it again. I felt like there was so much information (it was based off 20 years of the author’s work) that I couldn’t possibly grasp it all in the first go-around.
That being said, it was also an easy, relatable read. Despite not being in a leadership position, per se, having worked in a corporate environment was enough to understand the concepts and situations she was describing. But even if I didn’t have that experience, it still would have been an easily-understood book.
As a parent who spends 90% of her day trying to lead, mentor, and relate to five little people, not to mention navigate the murky waters of marriage, there was a lot in Dare to Lead that I could use. Ways to relate to people, ways to lead from my values, and how to talk to people in a way that honors them were just some of the things I jotted down as I went through the book.
I would recommend Dare to Lead to anyone who needs to work on their communication and relationships. Whether it’s at work, at church, or at home, we all could use more skills when dealing with others.
I also recommend this to anyone who likes a straight-talker. Brown is straightforward with everything she says (and sometimes a bit colorful), and she isn’t afraid of saying hard things and being vulnerable herself. I especially enjoyed a recounting near the end of the book of a near-argument she had with her husband.
Dare to Lead is a wonderful resource to help coach the reader into a more vulnerable and brave form of leadership. As a leader in my family, I found that most of her information works in the home as well as the workplace, so don’t be deterred by the premise of the book.
We are all leaders somewhere in our lives. Why not be better at it?
Happy Reading!
(Dare to Lead is available for FREE in audiobook form. Just sign up for the FREE AUDIBLE trial and cancel whenever you want!)
So, what are you reading this week? Have any suggestions for me?
Interested in more book? Then check out these posts:
Why I Read So Much & How You Can Read More, Too
What I’m Reading… Sacred Parenting
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